Your avatar for Sorghumbase can be set up through Gravatar. Gravatar is a website affiliated with, the organization/company, that allows users to use that same avatar across multiple websites and apps. Slack, for instance, supports avatars through Gravatar. It also allows users to set different avatars for different websites but manage them in one place.

Users can find a link to Gravatar on their profile page in the Sorghumbase Content Manager.

While every user will have an account to log into the Sorghumbase Content Management System, this account is not the same as an account on To set up Gravatar users will need to create an additional account.

This account can be set up with the same email address that is being used for the Sorghumbase account or with another email address. After the account is set up users can link multiple email addresses to the Gravatar account to use the avatars created there across multiple websites and accounts. In the image below the Gravatar page to add avatars is shown. Users can add multiple email addresses and add a custom avatar for each. If you are using a different email address from the email address that was used for your Sorghumbase account to set up your Gravatar account please make sure to add the Sorghumbase email address as a secondary email. Also make sure to set the the rating of your avatar for Sorghumbase to ‘G’ since other ratings will be blocked.


Tutorial: Setting up an avatar for Sorghumbase through Gravatar

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