Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is hosting a course, “Tutorials in Genomics & Bioinformatics: RNA-Seq Analysis,” an intensive two-day introductory course to genomics and bioinformatics, from April 28-30, 2024.
CASA-Bio Seeking Researcher Input on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation in Virtual Town Halls
Casa-Bio is seeking input from researchers interested in climate change, food and agriculture, supply chain resilience, human health, or any number of cross-cutting advances like data science; artificial intelligence; workforce development; biomanufacturing scale-up; or multiple areas of social, behavioral, and economic sciences; and security.
CSI Seminar Fadi Aramouni, February 13 at 11 AM CT
The Center for Sorghum Improvement (CSI) is hosting a virtual seminar given by Fadi Aramouni, Research Leader for the Grain Quality Structure Research Unit with the USDA-ARS Center for Grain and Animal Health Research in Manhattan, KS.
AG2PI Virtual Field Day: “UAS Community & Plant Stress Ontologies – AG2PI “Coconut” Grant Outcomes” on Feb. 21, 2024
The Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI) is hosting a virtual field day entitled “UAS Community & Plant Stress Ontologies – AG2PI “Coconut” Grant Outcomes” on Februay 21 from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM CT.
Save the Date! EBI Plant Genomes Course: From Data to Discovery Nov 18-22, 2024
The European Bioinformatic Institute (EBI) in Hinxton, UK is offering a course titled “Plant genomes: from data to discovery” on November 18- 22, 2024. The course seeks to teach attendees to: Access publicly available plant data and connect across different
Gramene’s PAG31 Highlights: Unlocking Genomic Diversity, Tools for Exploration, and Biocuration Insights
PAG31 proved to be a fruitful and informative conference, featuring members of the Ware lab at CSHL participating in the Gramene, AgBioData and PacBio workshops among other things.
Expedition PAG: A Small College Student’s Dive into Genomic Insights by Abigail O’Meara
Undergraduate research assistant, Abigail O’Meara, describes her experience presenting her research with the Ware lab at the PAG31 conference, made possible through the NSF undergraduate travel grant program.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory hosts the 13th Plant Genomes, Systems Biology and Engineering Conference
The 13th Plant Genomes, Systems Biology and Engineering meeting was held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) from November 29th to December 2nd, 2023. This event brought together over one hundred expert plant scientists, early career researchers, industry experts, and postgraduate students from multiple countries, fostering a global exchange of knowledge and perspectives.
CSI Seminar Jesse Tack, Jan 24 at 11AM CT
The Center for Sorghum Improvement (CSI) is hosting a virtual seminar given by Jesse Tack, Professor Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University on Wednesday, January 24 at 11:00 AM CT. The title of the talk is “Quantifying Heat
Gramene and SorghumBase Teams at PAG31 in San Diego, California, January 12-17, 2024
A Gramene Workshop will be held at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG31) on January 16 at 4 PM, in Palm 8 at The Town & Country Resort and Conference Center, in San Diego, California. During this workshop, we