Variant consequences within 4 Dwarf and 6 Maturity loci among SAP genomes opens the door to breeding sorghum varieties with optimal plant height and flowering time.
Unlocking the genetic secrets of sorghum’s nutritional potential and drought resilience
Key genetic regions associated with nutrition and drought resistance, pave the way for a more fortified and resilient sorghum
Revolutionizing Hybrid Sorghum Breeding with Genomic Prediction and TFMSA for Early-Generation B-Lines
Kent and colleagues developed an effective hybrid sorghum breeding strategy using genomic prediction and TFMSA to produce early-generation sterile B-lines for testcrossing.
Genomic and Phenomic Techniques in Pre-Breeding For Improved Chilling Tolerance in Sorghum
Researchers utilize genome-to-phenome approaches and drones to improve chilling tolerance, identify rare SNPs specific to this complex trait and demonstrate the potential of UAS phenotyping in sorghum pre-breeding.
A Combined Method to Accelerate Genetic Gain in Maize
A combined method integrating crop growth models with whole-genome prediction was effective in identifying traits known to be connected to variations in yield.
Sorghum Landraces Among Local Kenyan Farmers and ICRISAT Suggest Genetic Diversity That Can be Potentially Used to Develop New Varieties of Sorghum
Researchers in Kenya have examined the genetic diversity of local sorghum varieties, identifying adaptive traits and distinct subpopulations among samples from different sources, with implications for crop improvement in the face of climate change.
Combating Anthracnose Through Genetics: Sorghum F-Box Protein Induces Oxidative Burst Against Colletotrichum sublineola
F-box gene Sobic.005G172300 regulates ascorbic acid to boost plant defenses against Colletotrichum sublineola. Expression is upregulated in the resistant sorghum line SC110 shortly after infection.
Sorghum’s Response to Temperature Stress Varies with Genotype and Shifts Throughout the Day.
Sorghum accessions Macia (thermo-tolerant), SC224 (cold-tolerant), and RTx430 (heat-/cold-susceptible) respond to heat stress through gene regulation linked to the circadian clock. This linkage is stronger in the tolerant lines.
Unveiling Gene Expression Dynamics in Sorghum Accessions Upon SCA Infestation
Comparison of transcriptomes ofSCA-resistant line (SC265), SCA-susceptible line (SC1345) and an elite sorghum male parental line (RTx430) reveals differentially upregulated gene clusters.
A MAGIC Diversity Panel for Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Breeding of Grain Sorghum
A MAGIC population for high-resolution trait mapping in grain sorghum was developed using four genetically distinct founder lines and validated by mapping three highly heritable traits with DaRTseq.